tirsdag den 16. februar 2010

Gratis wii points.

Wiinyt forum - Ambassador liste
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officelt: Nintendo unveils exclusive announcements at WiiWare and Nintendo DSiWare media summit - Nintendo - News
En guide: 500 gratis Wii points og Internet browser til Din Wii

Ok nu må i ikke tro at jeg linker til noget ulovligt her, men jeg søgte lidt på nettet og fandt ud af at man kan få gratis wii points ved at man skriver en andens wii nummer, og at den person skriver ens eget wii nummer.

og nu vil jeg lige gerne bekræfte det af jer som måske kender lidt mere til det.
Så i skal IKKE lige skrive jeres wii nummer endnu.

kilde fra nintendo.co.uk:

In one final exclusive, Nintendo announced that it will launch a ‘Connection Ambassador Promotion’. The rewards scheme for loyal fans of WiiWare will start in Europe this October and will allow players to become Ambassadors by encouraging friends and family to get connected with their Wii. The Ambassador, as well as the player they help connect, will both receive 500 Wii Points for connecting one person. When the Ambassador helps connect 20 people (which is the maximum number for the reward), the total amount of Wii Points received will equal 10,000, which can be spent on fun and unique WiiWare games.
Even better, if the Ambassador helps 10 people connect; they can attain gold status, which will then enable the Ambassador to download all Nintendo first party NES games for free on Virtual Console! If, however, they help 20 people connect, they will be given platinum status and will be able to download for free all first party and third party NES, SNES and N64 games on Virtual Console!
Today also marks the relaunch of Nintendo of Europe's WiiWare portal, which functions as the main hub for the latest WiiWare news and game sites, while at the same time providing the perfect entry point for newcomers to the service. Weekly and all-time Top 10 lists show which WiiWare titles Club Nintendo members are currently downloading the most, and which are the most popular of all time. The portal also provides step-by-step tutorials explaining how to connect the Wii console to the Internet and how to download WiiWare software, as well as a video showing how to use Nintendo Points. Visit www.wiiware.co.uk for all the details.

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